An 8 Week Healing Series Specifically Designed To Align Women With Their Divine Purpose & Power

We're about to heal from religious trauma & build a confident connection with God that will bring you peace & CLARITY that will change your entire life!

Here's what you get when you join. . . 


  • 8 Recorded Embodiment / Movement Practices
  • 8 Recorded Teachings 
  • 8 Recorded Guided Meditations / Constellation Therapy Sessions 
  • 34 Printable Journaling Prompts for Self Reflection
  • 8 Printable Guides & Tools 
One payment of $222 USD →

 In just 8 short weeks, we're going from confusion & fear to clarity & confidence ....

Religious Programming from your upbringing that causes you to 

  • Feel shame in your body because you've been told to disconnect from your "sinful" self
  • Dress in clothes that you hate, so that men won't "lust" over you
  • Listen to everyone else's programming and disregard your own Knowing / intuition
  • Feel shameful about sex with others and yourself
  • Question all of your choices out of fear that your decisions will offend others and you will be judged and abandoned 

All The Tools You Need To Access A Confident Connection With God, Jesus & Spirit in your body

  • Constellation Therapy Meditation, which is a conversation between souls that reconciles us back to love
  • Embodiment Practices that will create a safe space for you to meet with God in your body & listen to Divine Guidance
  • Journaling prompts that will help you see your thoughts and beliefs on paper for further reflection
  • Mindful ways of reimagining your belief system, observing your thoughts, & cultivating curiosity instead of judgement
  • Tools & worksheets that will help you continue trusting God in your body over everything else, just like Jesus did
I'm Ready for This →


Empowering women who have been suffocated by Christian legalism to build a confident connection with God that changes e v e r y t h i n g 

We're about to escape Christian legalism & heal from church hurt together.


Hey good girl, it's time to take your power back! God didn't create you to hide, shrink, obey religious rules, & play small. God created you to take up space, speak up, & live a life of radical freedom.


Are you tired of feeling....


by harsh judgements & hatefulness from other Christians, & religious figures


like you don't fit in at church & no one around you understands how you feel


because purity culture told you hide your body & deny your sexuality


by all of the suffocating religious rules you've been following to stay a "good girl" 


of what your family, friends, & Christian community will think if you chose a new path

Then it's likely you're suffering from religious programming, which has shaped your life view and is causing shame, confusion, and dis-ease in your body

Let's set you FREE →





religious manipulation is real & needs to be healed 

So, what would be different if you no longer had someone else's convictions & beliefs influencing your life decisions?

What would life look like if you just trusted God in your body?

How would you spend your time if you had more

P e a c e . Love . Understanding . 

What decisions would you make it you truly let God lead

You would gain the POWER to stand up for your convictions

Once you commit to uniting with God as your guide you will gain an abundance of 

C l a r i t y  & Confidence

You will be living a life of unshakable faith.

You will see the world through a lens of love instead of judgement.

You will walk around Knowing that God is ever-present.

You will observe your thoughts & release what is not yours

You will no longer let fear rule your life

You will look at yourself & other through a lens of love

You will no longer feel guilty for choosing what God asks of you over other the pressure of people's wishes

When you AWAKEN to the fact that the same powerful energy that created EVERYTHING lives inside your body... your entire life will change.  Your relationships, your habits, your thoughts, the way you speak, eat, sleep, live; it's all connected - 


When you're FREE AF you no longer need to worry, because you can TRUST God in your body & God in everyone else's body 

I love everything about module one...

Especially the horseshoe meditation. The religious programming I'm giving back is "it's a sin to leave your husband and you won't go to heaven." 

- Anonymous

we're in this together

Hello Love, 

I'm infinitely grateful you're here. I've been intentionally praying for you every step of the way during this course creation.

The fact that you're reading this is proof that God is real. 

I have spent the past 10 years carefully uncovering, seeing, & healing from Christian legalism that kept me in a prison of shame & disappointment.

When God asked me to create this course, I was terrified!

Immediately, all of the intrusive thoughts came pouring in, trying to talk me out of what I Knew God ask me to do.

The thoughts sounded like this - "what will your mom think?"

"what will the churches think"

"you're going to be shunned by the whole town"

"no one will agree with you, or like you if you do this"

"you're wasting your time"

"nobody cares" 

Yet here I am, and here you are. Both believing in a better way for Christianity.

Hate, judgement, fear, & shame are NOT what Jesus had in mind for us, & it's time we wake the F up to what He DOES want for us & that is full embodiment of LOVE.


I grew up in a southern baptist church & purity culture ruled my young adult life. I loved church as a kid and religious rules seemed odd, but I followed all the rules anyway.

It wasn't until I went through a divorce at 25 that I realized I was performing to be seen as a "good Christian girl."

All of the messaging I heard growing up was that I had to be "good" to get rewards from God.

But I found out God doesn't work that way. 

Me choosing to stay a virgin until my wedding night did not guarantee a happy marriage. Also, there have been times I made some decisions that were not in my integrity, & redemption led me towards deeper forgiveness that I will be forever grateful for.

What I'm here to say is, you can't f*ck it up with God.

Unconditional love, grace, & forgiveness, are here to stay. (read that again please)

I found out I don't have to bend over backwards to be perceived as "good" in the eyes of others. All I have to do is wake up every day and embody God in ways that I Know Jesus would. 

Constellation Therapy, Yoga, & Journaling are three MAJOR tools that facilitated healing & saved my faith.

I cannot wait to share them with you.

Thanks again for being here.

You're not alone.

We're in this together. 

Now let's get FREE AF!!!


I'll see you on the other side....

Let's claim your birthright! 

It is your birthright to embody God

Jesus embodied God to show us what is possible. Unconditional love, forgiveness, kindness, provision, and FULL ACCESS to God are all possible because of Jesus' sacrifice.  We now have the Holy Spirit as an infinite connector to God & Jesus. It's time to wake up & stop sleeping on the Divine Power of God energy living in every cell of our being.

Embodying big God energy

Saying YES to this course is the first step towards healing your mind, body & nervous system. The fact that you're investing your time, energy, and currency towards EMBODYING the power and love of Christ is already creating an EXPONENTIAL shift in your consciousness. This is what God created you for. A bold POWERFUL life, built on the radical love and kindness of Jesus.  

What does it mean to embody big God energy?

Embodying God is what we were CREATED to do on this planet. God created us for conscious connection with the Trinity. This course will lead you on a path of turning DOWN the volume and chaos of outside opinions (yes, even your pastor) & turning WAY UP the guidance of God energy in your body. God isn't a big scary daddy up in the sky, God is as close as your breath. We're about to find out what "on earth as it is in heaven" means. 

Why is healing from religious programming necessary?

Healing from religious programming, church hurt & evangelical manipulation is SO important because if healing never takes place, these energetic wounds will continue to take up space & cause dis-ease in your body.

God created us to live in UNION with Christ consciousness, and healing from shame, hate, and harsh judgement is the key to accessing a deeper more meaningful life where love leads. 

What if i lose my friends & family's support during this process?

You will lose people during this process, and it's f*cking hard. Take time to honor and mourn the losses. Stay connected to your why for choosing this path. Choosing to live a radical life of love cost Jesus everything, including his life. Stay on the path. You were created for a divine purpose, and you didn't find this course on accident. TRUST that God is brining people into your life that will love and support you in a way you have never experienced before. What is meant for you won't go past you and what no longer serves you will not stay. It's not easy, I've lost some core friendships along the way, but love never leaves & higher relationships are coming. Stay connected & present, I promise it works out for the good.



+ what we cover +

  • Identify religious programming & how it has shaped your world view
  • Give religious programming, church hurt, and legalistic rules back to their rightful owner
  • Release programming & embody forgiveness for self and others
  • Locate shame in the mind and body. Identify where shame originates & differentiate between shame / guilt. 
  • Release shame back to the people and entities that placed it on your shoulders. 
  • Shaking shame & dis-ease out of the body
  • Defining body dysmorphia and getting honest with how you see yourself.
  • Seeing yourself through a lens of love, as God, Jesus & Spirit do.
  • Bringing sexy back with a sensual and sexy embodiment practice that will get you feelin' yourself.

When you purchase the FREE AF course, you gain lifetime access to all of the modules, videos & resources. 




Anything and everything as many times as needed. You may want to revisit and redo the course many times, and you get to do what feels good. It's all yours to keep!

BONUS #2 25% off awake life mindful movement

When you're a FREE AFer, you will receive 25 % off of Awake Life.

Awake Life is a mindful movement group that meets LIVE at 6:05 EST Monday-Thursday for 20 minutes of theme-based movement & embodiment practices that will not only tone your body, but expand your mind. All classes are recorded for your convenience and time zone.

Awake Life comes with weekly themes, daily journaling prompts, and access to a private community where we support one another on this journey through life.

We would love to have you move with us!

I'm Ready to Get This Party Started!


Let's do this!!!

Time for Action

You got this!!!

In case you've got some questions.... I put together some answers for ya. 

I'm Ready →

It's time to heal from church hurt


I CANNOT WAIT to go on this journey with you and  watch you gain ...


  • Body confidence
  • Clarity in your decisions
  • More love & less judgement
  • Healthy boundaries
  • More loving & supportive relationships
  • Healthy mind & body
One payment of $222 USD →